Saturday, November 21, 2009

Car Refinancing

if you have a car loan and are interested in saving money in the long run, then you may want to look into refinancing your car loan. Chances are that if you refinance a car loan under the right circumstances you can get a much lower rate and save a good amount of money over the life of the loan. Here are a few basic tips to help you do just that.First, you need to figure out what your credit score is. This way when you talk to different lenders you will know what to expect. If you score is high you have a much better chance of getting a good rate.Second, you need to know the rate and term of your current loan. You should also have an idea of what you want changed with your refinance. This way you can do better comparison shopping.

Next, you should start by talking with the bank that holds your current loan. They will want to keep your business if they can, but don't be afraid to tell them that you're shopping around. If anything, this will make them work harder to keep your business.At this point it is a really good idea to go online and find websites that will help you to do your comparison shopping. By comparing different programs and options you'll have the information you need to find the best offer.The fourth thing you'll want to consider is the current condition of your car. It's hard to get a car refinance on a clunker. If you car is in good condition your chances of getting a good rate are higher.

Lastly, compare plans side by side and call up potential lenders. Be firm when you talk to representatives. If they know you're considering other companies, they may be able to bump an interest rate down a notch, especially if you are specific about your needs.If you do your research and explore your options, you will no doubt be able to hunt down some amazing deals on refinance loans. Lower interest rates can save you hundreds of dollars.

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