Saturday, November 21, 2009

Car Financing

One of the worst ways to finance your next car purchase is through the dealership. The dealer’s financing officer is working on a commission, so they are going to add as much into the final price as they possibly can. What you need to do is secure alternate financing that does not involve the extras added by the dealer’s financing officer.A possible alternate form of financing is the equity in your home. When you own a home you spend a great deal of time and effort building up equity in that home that you should be able to use later to finance a large purchase. A home equity loan is an excellent way to get a straight-ahead loan, with only the charges and extras in it that you want.Many people would not normally consider this option, but it is possible to take a loan out against your retirement account and finance your car purchase that way. Of course you do not want to try this if your retirement account will barely cover the cost of the vehicle, and you should also keep in mind that you will have to pay the loan back to your retirement account. But this is a way of financing your vehicle that is an alternative to using the commissioned financing officers at the dealer.Sometimes you find that great deal on that one vehicle or horsetrucks and horseboxes that you just cannot pass up. If the cost of the car is low enough, you can use a credit card to finance the deal. Work with a bank that can guarantee a low interest rate, and then use that credit card to finance your vehicle purchase. If you can avoid the traditional high interest rates associated with credit card debt, then this is an ideal way to purchase a used car purchase.

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